THE EXHIBITIONISTS (women's art salon)
manifesto | who's an exhibitionist? | in the flesh | exposure

Small Works for a Full City
September 20th - October 15th
Opening Night: Friday, September 24th, 2004, 6-10pm
Gallery Hours: M-F 7:30am-9 pm, Saturday 9am-9pm and Sunday 9am-6pm
Full City Coffee @ 409 Grand Street (@ Clinton Street), Manhattan

Full City Coffee presents The Exhibitionists and their Small Works in Painting, Drawing and Photography.

About the Artists and their Small Works:

Emily Bicht - uses text from and imagery inspired by antique etiquette books, housekeeping guides and cookbooks to explore feminist and personal identity in her current work.

Robyn Desposito - has been working on a series of paintings based on the uncontrollability of rage, and the cycle of provocation and reaction that perpetuates throughout women's outward expression of anger.

Nikki Johnson - devotes a large part of her photographic work between what she terms "passive-aggressive portraiture" and images that explore her personal identity.

Inga Poslitur - in deriving her inspiration from the beauty of nature, she uses watercolor to make "the colors sing" and share her awe of life.

Amy Tamayo - in creating small, simple, celebratory drawings of color escaping the object on to the rest of the world, her new project moves to the idea of diffusion and infusion of color, light, and smell.

Elizabeth Dotson-Westphalen and Hot & Silver Jazz - trio Elizabeth Dotson-Westphalen (vocals and trombone), Paul Sanwald (guitar), and Dan Schlessinger (saxophones), and Apostolos Sideris (bass) interprets jazz standards and mixes in a few originals.

Painting: Emily Bicht, Robyn Desposito, Inga Poslitur
Photography: Nikki Johnson
Drawing: Amy Tamayo
Music: Elizabeth Dotson-Westphalen and Hot & Silver Jazz

For more information, please contact us.